Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Avengers Experience

This past weekend Mac, Christopher, Ray, Thomas, Gantt, TJ, and me when to go see The Avengers.  I was very excited about going to the movie because I had only heard good things about it.  Me and Thomas went ahead of everyone else to see if there were tickets left for the 7:00 showing, sadly they were all sold out.  We all then decided we would just go to the 9:00 showing even though it was in 3D.  Me and Matthew were a little mad about this because the last time we went to go see a movie in 3D we had headaches for a week.  To pass the time till 9 me and Thomas went back to his house and watched TV and played xbox.  One it was about 9 Thomas and I headed to the movies.  When we got there we had to almost twice the price just for some plastic 3D glasses.  Once inside we had to meet up with everyone.  After about 10 minutes going through the massive line we finally found them and went into the movie.  Once the movie started we all put on our 3D and glasses and ready to see if this movie actually lived up to the hype.  Like I feared watching in 3D caused almost all of us to occasional have to take of our glasses because the glasses would hurt your eyes.  Besides the whole 3D part I actually enjoyed this movie very much.  The movie was a bit slow in the beginning but things really picked up in the end.  Overall I would say go and see The Avengers, just not in 3D.       

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