Sunday, May 13, 2012

The End

Sadly I have to say that this is by last blog and school is coming to an end.  This year has not been a particularly hard year for me and I have enjoyed it very much. The year started off just as everyone told me it would, hard.  As the days progressed I began to adapt to the work load of high-school and managing  my time. There are many things I will miss and many fun times I had this years so to sum them up I made a list of my favorites.

1) Mr, Neil sneaking up and Caroline, Amelia, Prem, and I to find out we were playing games and not doing our homework.  I still never know how we never saw him coming even when were facing the door.

2) Our Geometry class debates or arguments with Mr. Cecere.  For example Mr. Cecere gave us an example that "all cats have four legs"(to confusing to tell you how we got to that) with Christopher and Gantt talking about all the 3 or 2 legged cats they had seen.

3) Mr. Millers comebacks.  I will always miss Cantey thinking he has out smarted Mr. Miller only to get put in his place.

4) Mr. Walker chugging Pepsi upside down in class.

5)  Mrs. Kirk always saying how we are the "fast class".  When we had a sub one day we had finished early and the sub was confused on how we went through the material so fast, she then went and said, "Oh wait yall are that weird class."

6) Mr. Vitali arguing politics with our entire class.

To conclude, I will miss all of my teachers this year and am excited to the new teachers and memories will be made next year.

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