Monday, October 24, 2011

Moneyball Review

Over this weekend I had the pleasure of seeing the new movie Moneyball.  Going into the movie I was skeptical because I know almost nothing about baseball and thats what the whole movie is about.  The movie started off very slow and my skepticism began to grow.  The movie began to take a turn when they started to talk about how you should buy runs and not players and got into the numbers.  This started to make me more interested and enjoying it more.  Once the movie started to pick up pace it got better ten fold.  The baseball team finally started to win games and became one of the best teams in the league.  The ending however was depressing but I so not want to spoil what happens.  Overall I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone, even if you are not a baseball fan.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Bowling Experience

Last Friday for Spirit Week the entire upper school went bowling.  When we all arrived at the bowling alley there was a mob of people waiting to get their bowling shoes.  To add on to the madness the man giving out the shoes announced that the wrong sides of the counter where boys and girls should get their shoes.  Once we all got are shoes me and some of my friends went to a open lane and put are names in the computer.  Our lane consisted of Mac, Christopher, Ray, Rachel, and myself.  We started off we were all terrible.  In the first 5 minutes Ray was already asking for bumpers.  To no avail we denied bumpers because we older than 10.  Anyway as the day progressed so did are skills.  We actually started to get strikes and spares.  We even tried bowling threw each-others legs to add to the difficulty.

Once I was tired of bowling, I got my friend William to go to the arcade with me.  Once we arrived we decided to play air hockey.  After beating William 2-0 he demanded one more game.  Only a couple of seconds into it William scored on me but when I went to get the puck it was gone.  We both searched everywhere for the puck but it was gone.  I enjoyed going bowling and I would definitely do it again.  
