Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Worst Movie Ever *SPOILER ALERT*

I recentely saw the new movie Apollo 18.  Going into the movie I thought it would be about how the Americans and the Russians covered up a secret moon landing, but this was not the case.  In the movie it did show the Americans sending a secret shuttle to the moon to do research.  The beginning of the movie started out okay but there kept being scenes where a old camera was used to show how the reel film from movies looked.  This got very annoying very fast.  Another annoying aspect of the movie was that it would randomly zoom on a rock on the moon and we see it move half a centimeter, never clueing you in on why.  Also the astronauts rover and flag went missing and is never explained how.  At the end of the movie we see that the moon rocks have been taking everything.  Yes I said the moon rocks did it. The moon rocks in the end of the movie turn in to black spiders.  This was very random and unprofessional.  The moon rocks later kill one of the astronauts and I will not spoil what happens to the other one.  Might I mention the movie states the movie is based on a true story.

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