Monday, November 28, 2011

Optical Illusions in Geometry

So it was a regular day in Geometry class and everyone had finished their test so we decided to chill in the back of the room.  Richard got bored so he brought out his little book of optical illusions.  In a matter of 10 seconds every boy is huddled around Richard freaking out of the illusions in the book.  One illusion told us to stare at the page from 30 seconds and we all stood perfectly still and everyone was laughing at us.  After about 10 minutes of getting our mines blown we class was over.  I will put some of the illusions down below.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

This Wednesday me and a couple of my friends gathered at my house to watch Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.  I had seen bits and pieces but have never sat down and watched it in one sitting.  I enjoyed the overall movie but some parts did not make since.  For example Indiana Jones is in an underground camber and somehow there is light even thought the whole camber is underground.  There where also man good fights scenes that were enjoyable to watch.  I enjoyed the overall plot of the movie.  I like the puzzles Indiana Jones faces throughout the movie and how he solves them.  I think the very beginning was the best part of the movie and had the most action.  I recommend this movie and the whole Indiana Jones series for anyone who has not seen them.
